Children learn through play, therefore play is a very important part of our nursery day, both Indoors and outdoors.
Play allows children to explore and express ideas, emotions and feelings, socialise with their peers and develop in all the 7 areas of learning.
Play enables children to practice skills preparing them for the next stage in their development.
Play allows children to explore and express ideas, emotions and feelings, socialise with their peers and develop in all the 7 areas of learning.
Play enables children to practice skills preparing them for the next stage in their development.
To ensure we meet the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework the children in our care are supported in 7 main areas of learning, with the focus in the very early years being in the 3 prime areas of learning
Prime Areas
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Making relationships Self confidence and self awareness Managing feelings and behavior Communication and Language Listening and attention, understanding and speaking Physical Development Moving and handling Health & self care |
Specific Areas
Literacy Reading and writing Mathematics Numbers, shapes space and measure Understanding the World People and communities The World and technology Expressive Arts and Design Exploring and using media and materials Being Imaginative |
Children grow by playing and exploring which enables them to develop their curiosity, to represent experiences and allows them to risk take in a supervised and safe environment. Play encourages them to be Active Learners, developing their concentration, persistence and sense of achievement. These lead the child to grow into a creative and critical thinker, allowing them to have their own ideas, make links and connections in their experiences and to review what they are doing.